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The "Mysterious Moonlight Necklace" is like a deep night moon, exuding a mysterious and charming light. The main stone is the eye of the sky, which is like the shining moment of stars. The curved left and right rays of sky shape present two moon-like shapes, as if dancing in the night sky.

The neck is decorated with roses made of metal wire, which are like flowers blooming in the dark night, adding romance and femininity to the necklace. The buckle is woven in an open strand style, like a delicate flower bud, and is cleverly embellished on the neck, bringing a more delicate feel to the whole.

The crimson glass beads are arranged in a circle below the eyeball, like a proud flower, blooming with a mysterious fragrance. The "Mysterious Moonlight Necklace" uses its fantasy shape and meticulous craftsmanship to offer you a romantic journey in the moonlight, letting the mysterious light shine on your neck.